Harbour porpoise
The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is an indigenous species along the entire Norwegian coast, with the largest occurrence in the north. That the species is indigenous means that it “belongs here”, and that it has a native distribution in Norway. The harbour porpoise is most likely our most numerous whale species.
The harbour porpoise can look like a dolphin in passing, but upon further inspection very different characteristics can be observed. Dolphins have a pointed snout, whereas the porpoise’s is blunt. The harbour porpoise body is more compact than the dolphin’s, and the dorsal fin is triangle shaped and short, whereas the dolphin’s is sickle-shaped with varying height.
The harbour porpoise is a small, toothed whale that reaches lengths of around 1.5 m and a weight of 50-60 kg. This is a marine mammal, not a fish. It gives birth to live calves that are dependent upon milk from their mothers, and it breathes air like humans. It can often be seen when coming to the surface to breathe. The harbour porpoise rarely dives any deeper than 200 m.
The harbour porpoise’s menu consists of several fishes. It eats fish that is near the surface and in the open water, pelagic fish, as well as bottom-dwelling fish.
The harbour porpoise is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the Norwegian Red List, but it is still very prone to getting stuck in fishing nets. As it is stuck underwater with no way to breathe, the porpoise is slowly asphyxiated. Several thousand harbour porpoises asphyxiate in the Norwegian fisheries every year. The harbour porpoise is also among the victims of ghost fishing – fishing tools that are lost at sea. For example, the porpoise can get stuck and thus asphyxiate in nets that drift in the sea. Fortunately, many divers are removing ghost fishing gear, but there is still a considerable amount that is not found.